Three entranced, faceless individuals, restrained by their necks to the wall, struggle with their forcefully whispering disconnected heads (on tv monitors), fighting against the weight of the air, their heads, their psyches, with each other, to break free from the oppressive gravity of their ids.
Additional info
Performance by dev01ded media art collective (grayl, xorzyzt, valquire)
Screenings / Exhibitions: 2010 Phillip Hohenwarter presents Forgotten Bar Project, Berlin, DE
Release: May 1, 2010
Tech info: Live on-site media art performance with prerecorded video/sound and improvisational action.
Screenings / Exhibitions: 2010 Phillip Hohenwarter presents Forgotten Bar Project, Berlin, DE
Release: May 1, 2010
Tech info: Live on-site media art performance with prerecorded video/sound and improvisational action.